Easter is almost here, which means boiling eggs for dying. It took me many years to finally learn a trick to hard boiled eggs that are not only easy to peel, but that don't get that greyish color to the yolk.
It's all about adding a bit of baking soda to the water. Here is how I do it. I sprinkle a bit of baking soda in my pan, then put a bit of really hot water in (I let the faucet run until the water gets really hot). I mix that around to let the baking soda dissolve. Once that is done, I add my eggs, then add just enough water to cover them. I set the heat to medium or medium high and once the water starts to boil, I set my timer. I let the eggs gently boil for about 20 minutes. Everyone knows the next part; filling the pan with cold water and letting it over flow until the water is cool. I used to do all that; except the baking soda part, and my eggs were always greyish and super hard to peel. Now they are really easy to peel, and not grey at all. I am so in love with this little trick!
I am boiling some now to dye eggs after nap time today.
Uuuugh, I wish I had known this trick around Thanksgiving last year. So. Many. Freaking. Deviled. Eggs. I went nuts peeling and tearing all of those eggs.