Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Spring is upon on us, and we all know what that means; Spring Cleaning. The ritual of purging ourselves and our houses of the things we don't want or need. This week I have slowly started the process, and I'm sure it will take me at least another full week. It's so beautiful out that I don't really care to spend most of my time indoors. We have been going to the park almost every single day (and getting a little sunburn I might add). 
I started my spring cleaning with the kids' rooms. We have a large storage area above all of our closets, and the areas above their closets was being used as a catch all for pretty much everything. I cleaned them out and organized the stuff that should be up there very nicely. We had so much stuff we don't ever use, and probably never will, and that should have never been saved. I mean honestly, we had old sheets that don't even fit our bed and a suspension kit for a vehicle we don't even own anymore! I also have been cleaning out their drawers and purging clothes. One of Bret's drawers had 10 pairs of 18 month size pants (he is almost 3 1/2 and hasn't worn 18m clothes for at least 6 months, if not longer). I went through Sophie's a couple weeks ago and gave anything that didn't fit away. It feels so nice! Next is purging our toys, which I try to do every few months because they have so many. I plan to do this with every room in the house, and our storage in the next week or so. 
I love spring, the weather is awesome and it's beautiful. We can open all the doors/windows and get some awesome fresh air, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and everything is colorful. Spring is the time of new beginnings.

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