Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Easy peasy homemade bubbles


Do your kids love bubbles? Most kids LOVE bubbles. There is just something about bubbles that makes kids go crazy (bubbles are like kid crack). I get it, the float, you can pop them, they can be funny. My kids are OBSESSED with bubbles. Problem is, they are not really that cheap, unless you get the cheapo tiny bubble container that lasts about 0.2 seconds. Yesterday I paid almost $2 each for a skinny bubble thing that had maybe 1 cup of bubbles in it (I really only grabbed those ones because they had the long bubble wands, and those are easy for Bret. 

You don't even really need to blow the bubbles, you can just move the wand and there are the bubbles, but $2 for the tiny amount of bubbles in that thing is just sad. Especially when Bret is an expert at accidentally (and sometimes purposefully) dumping bubbles out. I had seen bubble recipes on Pinterest before and usually thought "yeah, I highly doubt those actually work", or they called for things like glycerin (sorry but that's not something I EVER buy, and I don't plan on starting now). One of the moms at the park yesterday told me she uses dawn and it works really well, so I thought ok, let's go find a bubble an easy bubble recipe that uses dawn (I knew I had to add water, but didn't know about the ratio). I looked online and found a super easy one, using stuff everyone has on hand (no glycerin needed). 
All you need is warm water, sugar, and dawn dish soap (I used dawn and palmolive because I ran out of dawn). The recipe is easy, 4 cups warm water, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1/2 of the soap. Stir the sugar into the warm water until completely dissolved, then add soap and mix again. I made 1 batch of it to test it out.
Once I found that it actually worked as well as the junk you buy in the store, I made a double batch. Unfortunately the kids haven't gotten a chance to use it yet because it was rainy and gross today. I can tell you I won't ever be buying bubbles again. Just remember these need to be store in an air-tight container. I also read that you can omit the sugar, but I'm not sure how well that does, since I used sugar in both batches.
*The picture of the bubble at the top is from this homemade recipe. I didn't blow a bunch because I didn't want to clean soap off of the floor.

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